OneGreatFamily Guest Newsletter
June 2, 2005

We Extended the Date for Monthly and Quarterly Subscriptions

In This Issue:

We Extended the Date for Monthly and Quarterly Subscriptions

Another reminder about the subscription changes at OneGreatFamily

We are extending the deadline as many of you have called this week and said you didn’t see the newsletter till after the change went into effect. We originally announced the change would go into effect May 29th. However, we want all of you to have a chance to sign up for a month or quarter if you would like to, so we are extending the deadline to June 13th.

After June 13th new members to OneGreatFamily will only be able to sign up for a yearly subscription. Current OneGreatFamily subscribers will still be able to continue their monthly or quarterly memberships. Once they cancel, should they wish to re-subscribe, they will also only have the option of signing up for an annual subscription.

If you have been thinking about signing up for a monthly or quarterly subscription you can do so now.

Here again are the reasons for this change:

  • We have found that it takes time for new customers to gain the full value of what OneGreatFamily has to offer to their genealogy. Many customers get a big hit right upfront, but don’t take time to experience real collaboration or to see the power of leveraging other genealogists’ efforts over time. A month or even three months is just too short a period.
  • Annual subscriptions represent the best value for your money. An annual subscription only costs $6.25 a month, compared to $14.99 for a monthly or $10.00 a month for a quarterly.
  • Many customers have been put off by automatic monthly renewals. Under an annual subscription, you will receive a reminder two weeks prior to automatic renewal – giving you a reminder to cancel should you wish to do so.

Our top priority is the OneGreatFamily members. We believe that by making this change it will benefit our members in their genealogy and having more success in finding others who are searching for their ancestors.

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Lisa Lights the Way

Marriage Records

by Lisa South, Certified Genealogist

I was a nineteen year old bride to be and my fiancé had just arrived home on leave from the military for our wedding. We walked into the courthouse in our hometown to apply for our wedding license and were told we could not get married on the date we had set because we did not have enough time to post banns. The invitations were out and my groom's leave was short - and did I mention I was young? I became a puddle of tears on the floor repeating the words "What's a bann? What's a bann?"

During the course of our country's History, a plethora of marriage documents have been created. These include banns, applications, bonds, certificates, consent notices, intentions, licenses, proclamations, register entries and returns. Each of these can be very useful for the genealogist on the trail of an elusive ancestor, so it's a good idea to become familiar with all of them.

Banns & Proclamations - these were usually ecclesiastical records. The couple had to post banns (an announcement of their upcoming marriage) for two or three consecutive Sundays. This allowed a person to register a protest if they knew of some reason the marriage should not take place. When banns were posted, the couple was not required to give the minister a license or bond to perform the ceremony. The minister was to report the information about the marriage to the county or town office.

Intentions - These will be found in New England. They are similar to the banns but are civil records. The couple's intention to marry was usually recorded in the town meeting book for two or three weeks. If there was no protest, the marriage could take place without needing a license.

Consent to Marry - when an under-aged bride or groom was involved (the legal age changed over time) you may find a "consent to marry" document on file. This was usually given by the father (genealogists love a document that gives the name of the father!) If a mother signed the consent form, it probably means the father was deceased.

Marriage Bond - This was a written guarantee that no financial impediment to the marriage existed. It would have been supplied by the intended bridegroom alone or with a second person - usually the father of the bride.

Register Entry and Return - when a couple applied for a marriage license, it was entered into the court house register. After the ceremony was completed, the minister or official would "return" that information to the court house where it was entered into the register. It is usually just a date that follows the application information. Too often, novice genealogists list the date the license was issued as the marriage date, when in fact it is the second date (the date registered on the "return") that is the actual marriage date.

Most of these records merely indicate that a marriage was being planned - only three records actually prove that a marriage took place: a marriage return entered into a civil record, a marriage recorded in a church record or a marriage certificate. If you can not find one of these three, but find banns, bonds etc., it's a good bet (but not positive proof!) that the marriage did take place.

By the way, through the kindness of the officials in the court-house and some fancy planning, our marriage did take place before my husband's leave was over and I can prove it. You'll find the record in the Register Entry and Return records!!

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Success at OneGreatFamily

Finding a Lost Living Relative

I have to tell you that I was skeptical about your claims that I could add generations to my family line when I signed up for the free trial. I have been working on my genealogy for years and was certain I was making fair progress on my own.

However, a few hours after uploading my own GED file, I had added a new family line with generations of information. Since then, I have been adding data regularly and am finding new members of my ancestry right and left. I have a few lines that I have been stuck on for some time, but I am now hopeful that I will finally be able to crack some of these mysteries. Thank you for your efforts to bring us all together.



One Great Genealogy Site Award

Ultimate Tributes

Ultimate Tributes is a great site for memorializing your ancestors. An Ultimate Tribute is an online tribute that is available now and for future generations. We encourage you to gather the very best memories and pictures so you can arrange them to tell the story of your loved one. It is a biography, tribute and time capsule . . . all rolled into one expandable archive.

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